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The ring of integers of a number field K, denoted O_K, is the set of algebraic integers in K, which is a ring of dimension d over Z, where d is the extension degree of K over ...
Let K be a field of arbitrary characteristic. Let v:K->R union {infty} be defined by the following properties: 1. v(x)=infty<=>x=0, 2. v(xy)=v(x)+v(y) forall x,y in K, and 3. ...
The name for the set of integers modulo m, denoted Z/mZ. If m is a prime p, then the modulus is a finite field F_p=Z/pZ.
Let (K,|·|) be a valuated field. The valuation group G is defined to be the set G={|x|:x in K,x!=0}, with the group operation being multiplication. It is a subgroup of the ...
The transcendence degree of Q(pi), sometimes called the transcendental degree, is one because it is generated by one extra element. In contrast, Q(pi,pi^2) (which is the same ...
A three-dimensional surface with constant vector field on its boundary which traps at least one trajectory which enters it.
If F is an algebraic Galois extension field of K such that the Galois group of the extension is Abelian, then F is said to be an Abelian extension of K. For example, ...
Given a number field K, a Galois extension field L, and prime ideals p of K and P of L unramified over p, there exists a unique element sigma=((L/K),P) of the Galois group ...
A Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field is called exceptional if it is constructed from one of the root systems E_6, E_7, E_8, F_4, and G_2 by the Chevalley ...
A unit is an element in a ring that has a multiplicative inverse. If a is an algebraic integer which divides every algebraic integer in the field, a is called a unit in that ...