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91 - 100 of 13135 for dimensional analysisSearch Results
The low-level language of topology, which is not really considered a separate "branch" of topology. Point-set topology, also called set-theoretic topology or general ...
The thin plate spline is the two-dimensional analog of the cubic spline in one dimension. It is the fundamental solution to the biharmonic equation, and has the form ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), the Hilbert function of M is the map ...
The dual vector space to a real vector space V is the vector space of linear functions f:V->R, denoted V^*. In the dual of a complex vector space, the linear functions take ...
A hyper-Kähler manifold can be defined as a Riemannian manifold of dimension 4n with three covariantly constant orthogonal automorphisms I, J, K of the tangent bundle which ...
Define the correlation integral as C(epsilon)=lim_(N->infty)1/(N^2)sum_(i,j=1; i!=j)^inftyH(epsilon-|x_i-x_j|), (1) where H is the Heaviside step function. When the below ...
Suppose that X is a vector space over the field of complex or real numbers. Then the set of all linear functionals on X forms a vector space called the algebraic conjugate ...
Consider three mutually tangent circles, and draw their inner Soddy circle. Then draw the inner Soddy circles of this circle with each pair of the original three, and ...
A semi-Riemannian manifold M=(M,g) is said to be Lorentzian if dim(M)>=2 and if the index I=I_g associated with the metric tensor g satisfies I=1. Alternatively, a smooth ...
An algebraic ring which appears in treatments of duality in algebraic geometry. Let A be a local Artinian ring with m subset A its maximal ideal. Then A is a Gorenstein ring ...
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