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A metric space X which is not complete has a Cauchy sequence which does not converge. The completion of X is obtained by adding the limits to the Cauchy sequences. For ...
Let z=x+iy and f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) on some region G containing the point z_0. If f(z) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations and has continuous first partial derivatives in ...
A complex number may be taken to the power of another complex number. In particular, complex exponentiation satisfies (a+bi)^(c+di)=(a^2+b^2)^((c+id)/2)e^(i(c+id)arg(a+ib)), ...
The differential forms on C^n decompose into forms of type (p,q), sometimes called (p,q)-forms. For example, on C, the exterior algebra decomposes into four types: ^ C = ^ ^0 ...
A complex manifold is a manifold M whose coordinate charts are open subsets of C^n and the transition functions between charts are holomorphic functions. Naturally, a complex ...
The modulus of a complex number z, also called the complex norm, is denoted |z| and defined by |x+iy|=sqrt(x^2+y^2). (1) If z is expressed as a complex exponential (i.e., a ...
An improper use of the symbol sqrt(-1) for the imaginary unit leads to the apparent proof of a false statement. sqrt(-1) = sqrt(-1) (1) sqrt((-1)/1) = sqrt(1/(-1)) (2) ...
The complex structure of a point x=x_1,x_2 in the plane is defined by the linear map J:R^2->R^2 J(x_1,x_2)=(-x_2,x_1), (1) and corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by ...
Any computable function can be incorporated into a program using while-loops (i.e., "while something is true, do something else"). For-loops (which have a fixed iteration ...
Two geometric figures are said to be concentric if their centers coincide. The region between two concentric circles is called an annulus. The following table summarizes some ...
