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841 - 850 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A subset B of a vector space E is said to be balanced if lambdaB subset= B whenever lambda is a scalar satisfying |lambda|<=1. Here, the notation lambdaB denotes the set ...
The Banach density of a set A of integers is defined as lim_(d->infty)max_(n)(|{A intersection [n+1,...,n+d]}|)/d, if the limit exists. If the lim is replaced with lim sup or ...
If a and b are integers not both equal to 0, then there exist integers u and v such that GCD(a,b)=au+bv, where GCD(a,b) is the greatest common divisor of a and b.
Given a set of objects S, a binary relation is a subset of the Cartesian product S tensor S.
If there is an integer x such that x^4=q (mod p), then q is said to be a biquadratic residue (mod p). If not, q is said to be a biquadratic nonresidue (mod p).
There exists a total computable predicate P such that for any algorithm computing P(x) with running time T(x), there exists another algorithm computing P(x) with computation ...
Define E(x;q,a)=psi(x;q,a)-x/(phi(q)), (1) where psi(x;q,a)=sum_(n<=x; n=a (mod q))Lambda(n) (2) (Davenport 1980, p. 121), Lambda(n) is the Mangoldt function, and phi(q) is ...
A Brauer chain is an addition chain in which each member uses the previous member as an addend. A number n for which a shortest chain exists which is a Brauer chain is called ...
A number n for which a shortest chain exists which is a Brauer chain is called a Brauer number. There are infinitely many non-Brauer numbers.
A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. For cyclic graphs, care must be taken to make sure that no nodes are ...
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