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521 - 530 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
In a lattice, any two elements a and b have a greatest lower bound. This greatest lower bound is often called the meet of a and b, and is denoted by a ^ b. One can also speak ...
If the period of a repeating decimal for a/p, where p is prime and a/p is a reduced fraction, has an even number of digits, then dividing the repeating portion into halves ...
A collection of moves together with a corresponding set of weights which are followed probabilistically in the playing of a game. The minimax theorem of game theory states ...
A Müntz space is a technically defined space M(Lambda)=span{x^(lambda_0),x^(lambda_1),...} which arises in the study of function approximations.
A multiple of a number x is any quantity y=nx with n an integer. If x and y are integers, then x is called a factor of y. The smallest positive number m for which there exist ...
The geometry of the Lie group consisting of real matrices of the form [1 x y; 0 1 z; 0 0 1], i.e., the Heisenberg group.
Let N be a nilpotent, connected, simply connected Lie group, and let D be a discrete subgroup of N with compact right quotient space. Then N/D is called a nilmanifold.
Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be well ordered sets with ordinal numbers alpha and beta. Then alpha<beta iff A is order isomorphic to an initial segment of B (Dauben 1990, p. 199). ...
A catastrophe which can occur for four control factors and two behavior axes. The parabolic umbilic catastrophe is given by the unfolding ...
An m×n matrix which gives the possible outcome of a two-person zero-sum game when player A has m possible moves and player B n moves. The analysis of the matrix in order to ...
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