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3651 - 3660 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results

The proposition that every proper ideal of a Boolean algebra can be extended to a maximal ideal. It is equivalent to the Boolean representation theorem, which can be proved ...
A maximal independent edge set of a graph is an independent edge set that cannot be expanded to another independent edge set by addition of any edge in the graph. Note that a ...
A maximal irredundant set is an irredundant set that cannot be expanded to another irredundant set by addition of any vertex in the graph. Note that a maximal irredundant set ...
The McCarthy-91 function is the recursive function defined for positive integer n by M(n)={M(M(n+11)) for n<=100; n-10 for n>100. (1) It takes the value 91 for all n=1, 2, ...
The mean distance of a (connected) graph is the mean of the elements of its graph distance matrix. Closed forms for some classes of named graphs are given in the following ...
Call a graph vertex m(a,b,c) a median of a graph G if it lies on all shortest paths between each pair of vertices (a,b), (b,a), and (c,a) in G. A median graph is then defined ...
A modification of Legendre's formula for the prime counting function pi(x). It starts with |_x_| = (1) where |_x_| is the floor function, P_2(x,a) is the number of integers ...
Mergelyan's theorem can be stated as follows (Krantz 1999). Let K subset= C be compact and suppose C^*\K has only finitely many connected components. If f in C(K) is ...
A metadrome is a number whose hexadecimal digits are in strict ascending order. The first few are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, ... ...
A statement about theorems. It usually gives a criterion for getting a new theorem from an old one, either by changing its objects according to a rule (duality principle), or ...
