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2591 - 2600 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A test for the primality of Fermat numbers F_n=2^(2^n)+1, with n>=2 and k>=2. Then the two following conditions are equivalent: 1. F_n is prime and (k/F_n)=-1, where (n/k) is ...
A group that coincides with its commutator subgroup. If G is a non-Abelian group, its commutator subgroup is a normal subgroup other than the trivial group. It follows that ...
The Perko pair is the pair of knots 10_(161) and 10_(162) illustrated above. For many years, they were listed as separate knots in Little (1885) and all similar tables, ...
Petersson considered the absolutely converging Dirichlet L-series phi(s)=product_(p)1/(1-c(p)p^(-s)+p^(2k-1)p^(-2s)). (1) Writing the denominator as ...
A planted tree is a rooted tree whose root vertex has vertex degree 1. The number of planted trees of n nodes is T_(n-1), where T_(n-1) is the number of rooted trees of n-1 ...
A point group is a group of symmetry operations which all leave at least one point unmoved. Although an isolated object may have an arbitrary Schönflies symbol, the ...
The conjecture due to Pollock (1850) that every number is the sum of at most five tetrahedral numbers (Dickson 2005, p. 23; incorrectly described as "pyramidal numbers" and ...
Let chi be a nonprincipal number theoretic character over Z/Zn. Then for any integer h, |sum_(x=1)^hchi(x)|<=2sqrt(n)lnn.
Let n be a positive integer and r(n) the number of (not necessarily distinct) prime factors of n (with r(1)=0). Let O(m) be the number of positive integers <=m with an odd ...
A map defined by one or more polynomials. Given a field K, a polynomial map is a map f:K^n->K^m such that for all points (x_1,...,x_n) in K^n, ...
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