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A relation on a totally ordered set.
A totally imaginary field is a field with no real embeddings. A general number field K of degree n has s real embeddings (0<=s<=n) and 2t imaginary embeddings (0<=t<=n/2), ...
A sequence of moves (i.e., a path) on a chessboard by a chess piece in which each square of a chessboard is visited exactly once.
A tournament sequence is an increasing sequence of positive integers (t_1, t_2, ...) such that t_1=1 and t_(i+1)<=2t_i. Cook and Kleber (2000) show that Meeussen sequences ...
An element of an extension field of a field F which is not algebraic over F. A transcendental number is a complex number which is transcendental over the field Q of rational ...
An extension field of a field F that is not algebraic over F, i.e., an extension field that has at least one element that is transcendental over F. For example, the field of ...
The engineering terminology for one use of Fourier transforms. By breaking up a wave pulse into its frequency spectrum f_nu=F(nu)e^(2piinut), (1) the entire signal can be ...
The term "transition matrix" is used in a number of different contexts in mathematics. In linear algebra, it is sometimes used to mean a change of coordinates matrix. In the ...
A graph G is transitive if any three vertices (x,y,z) such that edges (x,y),(y,z) in G imply (x,z) in G. Unlabeled transitive digraphs are called digraph topologies.
A mathematical relationship transforming a function f(x) to the form f(x+a).