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Let the residue from Pépin's theorem be R_n=3^((F_n-1)/2) (mod F_n), where F_n is a Fermat number. Selfridge and Hurwitz use R_n (mod 2^(35)-1,2^(36),2^(36)-1). A ...
Given an ideal A, a semiprime ring is one for which A^n=0 implies A=0 for any positive n. Every prime ring is semiprime.
A semiring is a set together with two binary operators S(+,*) satisfying the following conditions: 1. Additive associativity: For all a,b,c in S, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c), 2. Additive ...
A semiprime ring which is also an Artinian ring.
When a prime l divides the elliptic discriminant of a elliptic curve E, two or all three roots of E become congruent (mod l). An elliptic curve is semistable if, for all such ...
A graph G is said to be separable if it is either disconnected or can be disconnected by removing one vertex, called articulation. A graph that is not separable is said to be ...
A morphism f:X->Y is said to be separable if K(X) is a separable extension of K(Y).
A polynomial with coefficients in a field is separable if its factors have distinct roots in some extension field.
Given a subalgebra A of the algebra B(H) of bounded linear transformations from a Hilbert space H onto itself, the vector v in H is a separating vector for A if the only ...
An array B=b_(ij), i,j>=1 of positive integers is called a dispersion if 1. The first column of B is a strictly increasing sequence, and there exists a strictly increasing ...