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2081 - 2090 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results

A commutative unit ring having only finitely many maximal ideals.
In the classical quasithin case of the quasithin theorem, if a group G does not have a "strongly embedded" subgroup, then G is a group of Lie-type in characteristic 2 of Lie ...
A queue is a special kind of list in which elements may only be removed from the bottom by a pop action or added to the top using a push action. Examples of queues include ...
The set of projective projectively extended real numbers. Unfortunately, the notation is not standardized, so the set of affinely extended real numbers, denoted here R^_, is ...
The base of a number system, i.e., 2 for binary, 8 for octal, 10 for decimal, and 16 for hexadecimal. The radix is sometimes called the base or scale.
When a measure lambda is absolutely continuous with respect to a positive measure mu, then it can be written as lambda(E)=int_Efdmu. By analogy with the first fundamental ...
A Radon measure is a Borel measure that is finite on compact sets.
The ratio of two numbers r and s is written r/s, where r is the numerator and s is the denominator. The ratio of r to s is equivalent to the quotient r/s. Betting odds ...
A set R of linear extensions of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is a realizer of P (and is said to realize P) provided that for all x,y in X, x<=y iff x is below y in every ...
"The reals" is a common way of referring to the set of real numbers and is commonly denoted R.
