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A number D that possesses no common divisor with a prime number p is either a quadratic residue or nonresidue of p, depending whether D^((p-1)/2) is congruent mod p to +/-1.
The sum of powers of even divisors of a number. It is the analog of the divisor function for even divisors only and is written sigma_k^((e))(n). It is given simply in terms ...
An even perfect number is perfect number that is even, i.e., an even number n whose sum of divisors (including n itself) equals n. All known perfect numbers are even, and ...
A graph vertex in a graph is said to be an even node if its vertex degree is even.
A sequence {a_1,a_2,a_3,...} fulfils a given property eventually if it fulfils it from some point onward, or, more precisely, if the property is fulfilled by the subsequence ...
A periodic sequence such as {1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, ...} that is periodic from some point onwards.
A method which can be used to solve any quadratic congruence equation. This technique relies on the fact that solving x^2=b (mod p) is equivalent to finding a value y such ...
Also known as the difference of squares method. It was first used by Fermat and improved by Gauss. Gauss looked for integers x and y satisfying y^2=x^2-N (mod E) for various ...
Let p_i denote the ith prime, and write m=product_(i)p_i^(v_i). Then the exponent vector is v(m)=(v_1,v_2,...).
An exponential generating function for the integer sequence a_0, a_1, ... is a function E(x) such that E(x) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)a_k(x^k)/(k!) (1) = ...
