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1641 - 1650 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A Ramsey number of the form R(k,k;2).
Let G be group of group order h and D be a set of k elements of G. If the set of differences d_i-d_j contains every nonzero element of G exactly lambda times, then D is a ...
Given a real number x, find the powers of a base b that will shift the digits of x a number of places n to the left. This is equivalent to solving b^x=b^nx (1) or x=n+log_bx. ...
Let s_b(n) be the sum of the base-b digits of n, and epsilon(n)=(-1)^(s_2(n)) the Thue-Morse sequence, then product_(n=0)^infty((2n+1)/(2n+2))^(epsilon(n))=1/2sqrt(2).
An integer used to generate a digitaddition. A number can have more than one generator. If a number has no generator, it is called a self number.
The dihedral group D_2 is a point group that is isomorphic to the vierergruppe and the finite group C_2×C_2.
The shortest path-spanning tree from a graph vertex of a graph.
Characterized by allowing only integer values.
A set S of positive integers is said to be Diophantine iff there exists a polynomial Q with integral coefficients in m>=1 indeterminates such that ...
Given the direct sum of additive Abelian groups A direct sum B, A and B are called direct summands. The map i_1:A-->A direct sum B defined by i(a)=a direct sum 0 is called ...
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