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1621 - 1630 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A connected dominating set in a connected graph G is a dominating set in G whose vertices induce a connected subgraph, i.e., one in which there is no dominating vertex not ...
The apodization function A(x)=(1-(x^2)/(a^2))^2. Its full width at half maximum is sqrt(4-2sqrt(2))a. Its instrument function is ...
Consecutive numbers (or more properly, consecutive integers) are integers n_1 and n_2 such that n_2-n_1=1, i.e., n_2 follows immediately after n_1. Given two consecutive ...
The absence of contradiction (i.e., the ability to prove that a statement and its negative are both true) in an Axiomatic system is known as consistency.
A function f(x) is said to be constructible if some algorithm F computes it, in binary, within volume O(f(x)), i.e., V_(F(x))=O(f(x)). Here, the volume V_(A(x)) is the ...
For a simple continued fraction x=[a_0,a_1,...] with convergents p_n/q_n, the fundamental recurrence relation is given by p_nq_(n-1)-p_(n-1)q_n=(-1)^(n+1).
An algorithm for computing an Egyptian fraction, called the Farey sequence method by Bleicher (1972).
A group having continuous group operations. A continuous group is necessarily infinite, since an infinite group just has to contain an infinite number of elements. But some ...
A functor F is called contravariant if it reverses the directions of arrows, i.e., every arrow f:A-->B is mapped to an arrow F(f):F(B)-->F(A).
The look and say sequence generated from a starting digit of 3, as given by Vardi (1991).