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Suppose that A is a Banach algebra and X is a Banach A-bimodule. For n=0, 1, 2, ..., let C^n(A,X) be the Banach space of all bounded n-linear mappings from A×...×A into X ...
The Hodge conjecture asserts that, for particularly nice types of spaces called projective algebraic varieties, the pieces called Hodge cycles are actually rational linear ...
A geometric theorem related to the pentagram and also called the Pratt-kasapi theorem. It states ...
A function phi(t) satisfies the Hölder condition on two points t_1 and t_2 on an arc L when |phi(t_2)-phi(t_1)|<=A|t_2-t_1|^mu, with A and mu positive real constants. In some ...
Let 1/p+1/q=1 (1) with p, q>1. Then Hölder's inequality for integrals states that int_a^b|f(x)g(x)|dx<=[int_a^b|f(x)|^pdx]^(1/p)[int_a^b|g(x)|^qdx]^(1/q), (2) with equality ...
A minimal embedded surface discovered in 1992 consisting of a helicoid with a hole and handle (Science News 1992). It has the same topology as a punctured sphere with a ...
The Hofstadter ellipses are a family of triangle ellipses introduced by P. Moses in February 2005. The Hofstadter ellipse E(r) for parameter 0<r<1 is defined by the trilinear ...
The r-Hofstadter triangle of a given triangle DeltaABC is perspective to DeltaABC, and the perspector is called the Hofstadter point. The triangle center function is ...
For a nonzero real number r and a triangle DeltaABC, swing line segment BC about the vertex B towards vertex A through an angle rB. Call the line along the rotated segment L. ...
Let a chord of constant length be slid around a smooth, closed, convex curve C, and choose a point on the chord which divides it into segments of lengths p and q. This point ...
