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The determination of a test for the equality of means for two normal distributions with different variances given samples from each. There exists an exact test which, ...
The modification of a set of data to make it smooth and nearly continuous and remove or diminish outlying points.
In a boarding school there are fifteen schoolgirls who always take their daily walks in rows of threes. How can it be arranged so that each schoolgirl walks in the same row ...
A smooth curve which corresponds to the limiting case of a histogram computed for a frequency distribution of a continuous distribution as the number of data points becomes ...
The mode of a set of observations is the most commonly occurring value. For example, for a data set (3, 7, 3, 9, 9, 3, 5, 1, 8, 5) (left histogram), the unique mode is 3. ...
A Bland-Altman plot is a data plotting method which simultaneously presents data sets from two different tests in a way that allows for easier determination of whether the ...
A Pareto plot is type of plot used in quality control applications that combines a bar chart displaying percentages of categories in the data with a line graph showing ...
A spatial point process is a point process which models data that is localized at a discrete set of locations in space or, more specifically, on a plane.
Analysis of data ordered by the time the data were collected (usually spaced at equal intervals), called a time series. Common examples of a time series are daily temperature ...
The tabulation of raw data obtained by dividing it into classes of some size and computing the number of data elements (or their fraction out of the total) falling within ...
