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A moving average may generate an irregular oscillation even if none exists in the original data.
A quantity (such as a statistical median, quartile deviation, etc.), which is calculated from observed data.
Nonparametric estimation is a statistical method that allows the functional form of a fit to data to be obtained in the absence of any guidance or constraints from theory. As ...
A method which can be used to solve some classes of integral equations and is especially useful in implementing certain types of data inversion. It has been applied to invert ...
An algorithm for partitioning (or clustering) N data points into K disjoint subsets S_j containing N_j data points so as to minimize the sum-of-squares criterion ...
Quantile-quantile plots (also called q-q plots) are used to determine if two data sets come from populations with a common distribution. In such a plot, points are formed ...
Simpson's paradox, also known as the amalgamation paradox, reversal paradox, or Yule-Simpson effect, is a paradox in which a statistical trend appears to be present when data ...
A data structure designed to allow repeated extraction of the smallest remaining key (Skiena 1990, p. 38).
A stem-and-leaf diagram, also called a stem-and-leaf plot, is a diagram that quickly summarizes data while maintaining the individual data points. In such a diagram, the ...
A set of methods that are generally superior to ANOVA for small data sets or where sample distributions are non-normal.
