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An attractor is a set of states (points in the phase space), invariant under the dynamics, towards which neighboring states in a given basin of attraction asymptotically ...
A function of the coordinates which is constant along a trajectory in phase space. The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system such as the Duffing differential ...
Rule 28 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
An operator which describes the time evolution of densities in phase space. The operator can be defined by rho_(n+1)=L^~rho_n, where rho_n are the natural invariants after ...
The evolute of the cardioid x = cost(1+cost) (1) y = sint(1+cost) (2) is the curve x_e = 2/3a+1/3acostheta(1-costheta) (3) y_e = 1/3asintheta(1-costheta), (4) which is a ...
For the cardioid given parametrically as x = a(1+cost)cost (1) y = a(1+cost)sint, (2) the involute is given by x_i = 2a+3acostheta(1-costheta) (3) y_i = ...
A chiral knot is a knot which is not capable of being continuously deformed into its own mirror image. A knot that can be so deformed is then called an amphichiral knot. ...
A number n such that the "LED representation" of n (i.e., the arrangement of horizonal and vertical lines seen on a digital clock or pocket calculator), n upside down, n in a ...
An amphichiral knot is a knot that is capable of being continuously deformed into its own mirror image. More formally, a knot K is amphichiral (also called achiral or ...
Symmetry operations include the improper rotation, inversion operation, mirror plane, and rotation. Together, these operations create 32 crystal classes corresponding to the ...
