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Let f be analytic on the unit disk, and assume that 1. |f(z)|<=1 for all z, and 2. f(a)=b for some a,b in D(0,1), the unit disk. Then |f^'(a)|<=(1-|b|^2)/(1-|a|^2). (1) ...
Two complex measures mu and nu on a measure space X, are mutually singular if they are supported on different subsets. More precisely, X=A union B where A and B are two ...
The Alexander invariant H_*(X^~) of a knot K is the homology of the infinite cyclic cover of the complement of K, considered as a module over Lambda, the ring of integral ...
An algebraic group is a variety (or scheme) endowed with a group structure such that the group operations are morphisms of varieties (or schemes). The concept is similar to ...
Given a complex Hilbert space H with associated space L(H) of continuous linear operators from H to itself, the bicommutant M^('') of an arbitrary subset M subset= L(H) is ...
Given a complex Hilbert space H with associated space L(H) of continuous linear operators from H to itself, the commutant M^' of an arbitrary subset M subset= L(H) is the ...
The computational paradigm is a term introduced by Wolfram (2002, 2021) to describe the idea of using simple programs rather than mathematical equations (the latter of which ...
Let S be a semigroup and alpha a positive real-valued function on S such that alpha(st)<=alpha(s)alpha(t) (s,t in S). If l^1(S,alpha) is the set of all complex-valued ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra and A_+ be its positive part. Suppose that E is a complex linear space which is a left A-module and lambda(ax)=(lambdaa)x=a(lambdax), where lambda in ...
The Fourier cosine transform of a real function is the real part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((c))[f(x)](k) = R[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = ...
