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The number of "prime" boxes is always finite, where a set of boxes is prime if it cannot be built up from one or more given configurations of boxes.
If the total group of the canonical series is divided into two parts, the difference between the number of points in each part and the double of the dimension of the complete ...
The number of coincidences of a (nu,nu^') correspondence of value gamma on a curve of curve genus p is given by nu+nu^'+2pgamma.
A solitaire game played with cards. The chance of winning is 1/13, and the arithmetic mean of the number of cards turned up is 42.4.
A compact surface is a surface which is also a compact set. A compact surface has a triangulation with a finite number of triangles. The sphere and torus are compact.
The set of sums sum_(x)a_xx ranging over a multiplicative group and a_i are elements of a field with all but a finite number of a_i=0. Group rings are graded algebras.
A relation between permutations p and q that exists if there is a sequence of transpositions such that each transposition increases the number of inversions (Stanton and ...
The number of elements greater than i to the left of i in a permutation gives the ith element of the inversion vector (Skiena 1990, p. 27).
The Labs septic is a septic surface having 99 ordinary double points, which is the maximum number known for any septic surface.
A type of diagram invented by Lewis Carroll (the name is an abbreviation of "Lewis") that can be used to determine the number of minimal covers of n numbers with k members.
