
Search Results for "complex number"

12401 - 12410 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
A rolling polyhedron graph is a graph obtained by rolling a polyhedral solid along a board whose tiles match up with the faces of the polyhedron being rolled. The vertices of ...
A Room square (named after T. G. Room) of order n (for n even) is an arrangement in an (n-1)×(n-1) square matrix of n objects such that each cell is either empty or holds ...
A formula which transforms a given coordinate system by rotating it through a counterclockwise angle Phi about an axis n^^. Referring to the above figure (Goldstein 1980), ...
Rule 150 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 158 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 188 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 190 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 220 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 222 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 28 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...

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