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Every smooth manifold M has a tangent bundle TM, which consists of the tangent space TM_p at all points p in M. Since a tangent space TM_p is the set of all tangent vectors ...
A straight line is tangent to a given curve f(x) at a point x_0 on the curve if the line passes through the point (x_0,f(x_0)) on the curve and has slope f^'(x_0), where ...
If f:M->N, then the tangent map Tf associated to f is a vector bundle homeomorphism Tf:TM->TN (i.e., a map between the tangent bundles of M and N respectively). The tangent ...
For a curve with radius vector r(t), the unit tangent vector T^^(t) is defined by T^^(t) = (r^.)/(|r^.|) (1) = (r^.)/(s^.) (2) = (dr)/(ds), (3) where t is a parameterization ...
For a plane curve, the tangential angle phi is defined by rhodphi=ds, (1) where s is the arc length and rho is the radius of curvature. The tangential angle is therefore ...
The tangential circle of a reference triangle is the circumcircle of the tangential triangle. Its center is Kimberling center X_(26), which has center function ...
A quadrilateral which has an incircle, i.e., one for which a single circle can be constructed which is tangent to all four sides. Opposite sides of such a quadrilateral ...
The tangram is a combination of plane polygonal pieces such that the edges of the polygons are coincident. There are 13 convex tangrams (where a "convex tangram" is a set of ...
A dissection fallacy discovered by Dudeney (1958). The same set of tangram pieces can apparently produce two different figures, one of which is a proper subset of the other. ...
Let (L,<=) be any complete lattice. Suppose f:L->L is monotone increasing (or isotone), i.e., for all x,y in L, x<=y implies f(x)<=f(y). Then the set of all fixed points of f ...
