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The number one (1), also called "unity," is the first positive integer. It is an odd number. Although the number 1 used to be considered a prime number, it requires special ...
If a number fails Miller's primality test for some base a, it is not a prime. If the number passes, it may be a prime. A composite number passing Miller's test is called a ...
Consecutive numbers (or more properly, consecutive integers) are integers n_1 and n_2 such that n_2-n_1=1, i.e., n_2 follows immediately after n_1. Given two consecutive ...
Legendre's formula counts the number of positive integers less than or equal to a number x which are not divisible by any of the first a primes, (1) where |_x_| is the floor ...
Let n be a positive integer and r(n) the number of (not necessarily distinct) prime factors of n (with r(1)=0). Let O(m) be the number of positive integers <=m with an odd ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
Archimedes' cattle problem, also called the bovinum problema, or Archimedes' reverse, is stated as follows: "The sun god had a herd of cattle consisting of bulls and cows, ...
A palindromic prime is a number that is simultaneously palindromic and prime. The first few (base-10) palindromic primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, ...
A number x is said to have "n figures" if it takes n digits to express it. The number of figures is therefore equal to one more than the power of 10 in the scientific ...
The smallest composite squarefree number (2·3), and the third triangular number (3(3+1)/2). It is the also smallest perfect number, since 6=1+2+3. The number 6 arises in ...
