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1091 - 1100 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
If n>19, there exists a Poulet number between n and n^2. The theorem was proved in 1965.
The Banach-Saks theorem is a result in functional analysis which proves the existence of a "nicely-convergent" subsequence for any sequence {f_n}={f_n}_(n in Z^*) of ...
The set theory symbol (aleph) for the cardinal number of a well-orderable infinite set.
The ordinal number of a value in a list arranged in a specified order (usually decreasing).
A three-colorable graph G is a graph with chromatic number chi(G)<=3.
For any ordinal number alpha, the successor of alpha is alpha union {alpha} (Ciesielski 1997, p. 46). The successor of an ordinal number alpha is therefore the next ordinal, ...
A group in which any decreasing chain of distinct subgroups terminates after a finite number.
If the average number of envelopes per pigeonhole is a, then some pigeonhole will have at least a envelopes. Similarly, there must be a pigeonhole with at most a envelopes.
The number of inward directed graph edges from a given graph vertex in a directed graph.
The word "spectrum" confusingly has a number of unrelated meanings in various branches of mathematics.
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