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The least genus of any Seifert surface for a given knot. The unknot is the only knot with genus 0. Usually, one denotes by g(K) the genus of the knot K. The knot genus has ...
Given a knot diagram, it is possible to construct a collection of variables and equations, and given such a collection, a group naturally arises that is known as the group of ...
Knuth's series is given by S = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((k^k)/(k!e^k)-1/(sqrt(2pik))) (1) = -2/3-1/(sqrt(2pi))zeta(1/2) (2) = -0.08406950872765599646... (3) (OEIS A096616), where ...
For every ring containing p spheres, there exists a ring of q spheres, each touching each of the p spheres, where 1/p+1/q=1/2, (1) which can also be written (p-2)(q-2)=4. (2) ...
The Koolen-Riebeek graph is a weakly regular graph on 486 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(486,45,0,(0,9)). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
The lines joining the vertices A, B, and C of a given triangle DeltaABC with the circumcenters of the triangles DeltaBCO, DeltaCAO, and DeltaABO (where O is the circumcenter ...
Let alpha(x) be a step function with the jump j(x)=(N; x)p^xq^(N-x) (1) at x=0, 1, ..., N, where p>0,q>0, and p+q=1. Then the Krawtchouk polynomial is defined by ...
In the field of functional analysis, the Krein-Milman theorem is a result which characterizes all (nonempty) compact convex subsets K of "sufficiently nice" topological ...
The Kreisel conjecture is a conjecture in proof theory that postulates that, if phi(x) is a formula in the language of arithmetic for which there exists a nonnegative integer ...
The partial differential equation (u_t)/(u_x)=1/4(u_(xxx))/(u_x)-3/8(u_(xx)^2)/(u_x^2)+3/2(p(u))/(u_x^2), where p(u)=1/4(4u^3-g_2u-g_3). The special cases ...
