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Consider a second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+P(x)y^'+Q(x)y=0. If P(x) and Q(x) remain finite at x=x_0, then x_0 is called an ordinary point. If either P(x) ...
The term isocline derives from the Greek words for "same slope." For a first-order ordinary differential equation y^'=f(t,y) is, a curve with equation f(t,y)=C for some ...
Let P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w be points in trilinear coordinates, neither of which is on a side line of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Them the P-isoconjugate of U is the point ...
An isocubic is a triangle cubic that is invariant under an isoconjugation. Self-isogonal and self-isotomic cubics are examples of isocubics.
The isogonal mittenpunkt M^' is the isogonal conjugate of the mittenpunkt. It is the homothetic center of the excentral and contact triangles (Gallatly 1913, pp. 17-18). It ...
A metric space X is isometric to a metric space Y if there is a bijection f between X and Y that preserves distances. That is, d(a,b)=d(f(a),f(b)). In the context of ...
An authalic latitude which is directly proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude from the equator on an ellipsoidal Mercator projection. It is defined by ...
A bijective map between two metric spaces that preserves distances, i.e., d(f(x),f(y))=d(x,y), where f is the map and d(a,b) is the distance function. Isometries are ...
The term "isomorphic" means "having the same form" and is used in many branches of mathematics to identify mathematical objects which have the same structural properties. ...
The point S^' which makes the perimeters of the triangles DeltaBS^'C, DeltaCS^'A, and DeltaAS^'B equal. The isoperimetric point exists iff a+b+c>4R+r, (1) where a, b, and c ...
