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2581 - 2590 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results

A curve on which points of a map z_n (such as the Mandelbrot set) diverge to a given value r_(max) at the same rate. A common method of obtaining lemniscates is to define an ...
The winding number W(theta) of a map f(theta) with initial value theta is defined by W(theta)=lim_(n->infty)(f^n(theta)-theta)/n, which represents the average increase in the ...
Also known as Kolmogorov entropy, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, or KS entropy. The metric entropy is 0 for nonchaotic motion and >0 for chaotic motion.
A fractal based on iterating the map F(x)=ax+(2(1-a)x^2)/(1+x^2) (1) according to x_(n+1) = by_n+F(x_n) (2) x_(y+1) = -x_n+F(x_(n+1)). (3) The plots above show 10^4 ...
A measure for which the q-dimension D_q varies with q.
A metric defined by d(z,w)=sup{|ln[(u(z))/(u(w))]|:u in H^+}, where H^+ denotes the positive harmonic functions on a domain. The part metric is invariant under conformal maps ...
A characteristic of some systems making a transition to chaos. Doubling is followed by quadrupling, etc. An example of a map displaying period doubling is the logistic map.
Li and Yorke (1975) proved that any one-dimensional system which exhibits a regular cycle of period three will also display regular cycles of every other length as well as ...
A generalized conformal mapping.
The fractal-like figure obtained by performing the same iteration as for the Mandelbrot set, but adding a random component R, z_(n+1)=z_n^2+c+R. In the above plot, ...
