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The integral transform defined by (Kphi)(x)=int_0^inftyG_(pq)^(mn)(xt|(a_p); (b_q))phi(t)dt, where G_(pq)^(mn) is a Meijer G-function. Note the lower limit of 0, not -infty ...
A polygonal number of the form O_n=n(3n-2). The first few are 1, 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176, ... (OEIS A000567). The generating function for the octagonal numbers is ...
Two functions f(x) and g(x) are orthogonal over the interval a<=x<=b with weighting function w(x) if <f(x)|g(x)>=int_a^bf(x)g(x)w(x)dx=0. (1) If, in addition, ...
Let f(z) be an analytic function in an angular domain W:|argz|<alphapi/2. Suppose there is a constant M such that for each epsilon>0, each finite boundary point has a ...
P(Z)=Z/(sigma^2)exp(-(Z^2+|V|^2)/(2sigma^2))I_0((Z|V|)/(sigma^2)), where I_0(z) is a modified Bessel function of the first kind and Z>0. For a derivation, see Papoulis ...
The logical axiom R(x,y)=!(!(x v y) v !(x v !y))=x, where !x denotes NOT and x v y denotes OR, that, when taken together with associativity and commutativity, is equivalent ...
Let R+B be the number of monochromatic forced triangles (where R and B are the number of red and blue triangles) in an extremal graph. Then R+B=(n; 3)-|_1/2n|_1/4(n-1)^2_|_|, ...
Two nodes connected to the same node which are same distance from the root vertex in a rooted tree are called siblings. A function to return the siblings of a vertex v in a ...
A curve similar to the sine function but possibly shifted in phase, period, amplitude, or any combination thereof. The general sinusoid of amplitude a, angular frequency ...
A smooth curve is a curve which is a smooth function, where the word "curve" is interpreted in the analytic geometry context. In particular, a smooth curve is a continuous ...