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451 - 460 of 503 for close-packing of spheresSearch Results
Bézout's theorem for curves states that, in general, two algebraic curves of degrees m and n intersect in m·n points and cannot meet in more than m·n points unless they have ...
The study of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems. Examples of problems treated by computational geometry include determination of the convex hull and Voronoi ...
The Games graph is a strongly regular graph on 729 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(729,112,1,20). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
A the (first, or internal) Kenmotu point, also called the congruent squares point, is the triangle center constructed by inscribing three equal squares such that each square ...
Synergetics coordinates are a set of triangular coordinates in their plane (or their generalization to tetrahedral coordinates in space, or the analogs in higher dimensions). ...
The regular tetrahedron, often simply called "the" tetrahedron, is the Platonic solid with four polyhedron vertices, six polyhedron edges, and four equivalent equilateral ...
An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled ...
An array is a "list of lists" with the length of each level of list the same. The size (sometimes called the "shape") of a d-dimensional array is then indicated as ...
In the biconjugate gradient method, the residual vector r^((i)) can be regarded as the product of r^((0)) and an ith degree polynomial in A, i.e., r^((i))=P_i(A)r^((0)). (1) ...
Applying the stellation process to the icosahedron gives 20+30+60+20+60+120+12+30+60+60 cells of 11 different shapes and sizes (including the icosahedron itself). The ...
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