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221 - 230 of 503 for close-packing of spheresSearch Results
The integral closure of a commutative unit ring R in an extension ring S is the set of all elements of S which are integral over R. It is a subring of S containing R.
A proper ideal of a ring that is not the intersection of two ideals which properly contain it. In a principal ideal domain, the ideal I=<a> is irreducible iff a=0 or a is an ...
The Jacobian group of a one-dimensional linear series is given by intersections of the base curve with the Jacobian curve of itself and two curves cutting the series.
If Omega subset= C is a domain and phi:Omega->C is a one-to-one analytic function, then phi(Omega) is a domain, and area(phi(Omega))=int_Omega|phi^'(z)|^2dxdy (Krantz 1999, ...
A Radon measure is a Borel measure that is finite on compact sets.
An automorphism which interchanges the two vertices of a regular map at each edge without interchanging the vertices.
f_p=f_0+1/2p(p+1)delta_(1/2)-1/2(p-1)pdelta_(-1/2) +(S_3+S_4)delta_(1/2)^3+(S_3-S_4)delta_(-1/2)^3+..., (1) for p in [-1/2,1/2], where delta is the central difference and ...
A mathematical relationship transforming a function f(x) to the form f(x+a).
Let phi(x_1,...,x_m) be an L_(exp) formula, where L_(exp)=L union {e^x} and L is the language of ordered rings L={+,-,·,<,0,1}. Then there exist n>=m and f_1,...,f_s in ...
A parametric latitude which gives a sphere equal surface area relative to an ellipsoid. The authalic latitude is defined by beta=sin^(-1)(q/(q_p)), (1) where ...
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