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In determinant expansion by minors, the minimal number of transpositions of adjacent columns in a square matrix needed to turn the matrix representing a permutation of ...
The symmetry operation (x,y,z)->(-x,-y,-z). When used in conjunction with a rotation, it becomes an improper rotation.
A relation between permutations p and q that exists if there is a sequence of transpositions such that each transposition increases the number of inversions (Stanton and ...
A pair of elements (p_i,p_j) is called an inversion in a permutation p if i>j and p_i<p_j (Skiena 1990, p. 27; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 69). For example, in the ...
A statistic w on the symmetric group S_n is called a weighted inversion statistic if there exists an upper triangular matrix W=(w_(ij)) such that ...
Expresses a function in terms of its Radon transform, f(x,y) = R^(-1)(Rf)(x,y) (1) = ...
The transform inverting the sequence g(n)=sum_(d|n)f(d) (1) into f(n)=sum_(d|n)mu(d)g(n/d), (2) where the sums are over all possible integers d that divide n and mu(d) is the ...
Let z be defined as a function of w in terms of a parameter alpha by z=w+alphaphi(z). (1) Then Lagrange's inversion theorem, also called a Lagrange expansion, states that any ...
Let (a)_i and (b)_i be sequences of complex numbers such that b_j!=b_k for j!=k, and let the lower triangular matrices F=(f)_(nk) and G=(g)_(nk) be defined as ...
The power of a fixed point A with respect to a circle of radius r and center O is defined by the product p=AP×AQ, (1) where P and Q are the intersections of a line through A ...