
Search Results for "catastrophe theory"

51 - 60 of 13134 for catastrophe theorySearch Results
Theory of Computation
Proof theory, also called metamathematics, is the study of mathematics and mathematical reasoning (Hofstadter 1989) in a general and abstract sense itself. Instead of ...
Gauge theory studies principal bundle connections, called gauge fields, on a principal bundle. These connections correspond to fields, in physics, such as an electromagnetic ...
Number Theory
The portion of number theory concerned with expressing an integer as a sum of integers from some given set.
Axiomatic set theory is a version of set theory in which axioms are taken as uninterpreted rather than as formalizations of pre-existing truths.
A branch of mathematics which attempts to formalize the nature of the set using a minimal collection of independent axioms. Unfortunately, as discovered by its earliest ...
Analytic number theory is the branch of number theory which uses real and complex analysis to investigate various properties of integers and prime numbers. Examples of topics ...
Combinatorial game theory is the theory of two-player games of perfect knowledge such as go, chess, or checkers.
The version of set theory obtained if Axiom 6 of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is replaced by 6'. Selection axiom (or "axiom of subsets"): for any set-theoretic formula A(u), ...
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