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The chromatic number of a graph is at most the maximum vertex degree Delta, unless the graph is complete or an odd cycle, in which case Delta+1 colors are required.
A number n satisfies the Carmichael condition iff (p-1)|(n/p-1) for all prime divisors p of n. This is equivalent to the condition (p-1)|(n-1) for all prime divisors p of n.
An operator Gamma=sum_(i=1)^me_i^Ru^(iR) on a representation R of a Lie algebra.
Let t be a nonnegative integer and let x_1, ..., x_t be nonzero elements of Z_p which are not necessarily distinct. Then the number of elements of Z_p that can be written as ...
In 1891, Chebyshev and Sylvester showed that for sufficiently large x, there exists at least one prime number p satisfying x<p<(1+alpha)x, where alpha=0.092.... Since the ...
A chiral knot is a knot which is not capable of being continuously deformed into its own mirror image. A knot that can be so deformed is then called an amphichiral knot. ...
Let a graph G have graph vertices with vertex degrees d_1<=...<=d_m. If for every i<n/2 we have either d_i>=i+1 or d_(n-i)>=n-i, then the graph is Hamiltonian.
A class number formula is a finite series giving exactly the class number of a ring. For a ring of quadratic integers, the class number is denoted h(d), where d is the ...
The cokernel of a group homomorphism f:A-->B of Abelian groups (modules, or abstract vector spaces) is the quotient group (quotient module or quotient space, respectively) ...
The comparability graph of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is the graph with vertex set X for which vertices x and y are adjacent iff either x<=y or y<=x in P.
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