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A set fixed within the framework of a theory and consisting of all objects considered in this theory. The complement of the universal set is the empty set.
If f is a continuous real-valued function on [a,b] and if any epsilon>0 is given, then there exists a polynomial p on [a,b] such that |f(x)-P(x)|<epsilon for all x in [a,b]. ...
Every nonempty set of positive integers contains a smallest member.
Let phi(x_1,...,x_m) be an L_(exp) formula, where L_(exp)=L union {e^x} and L is the language of ordered rings L={+,-,·,<,0,1}. Then there exist n>=m and f_1,...,f_s in ...
The Gewirtz graph, sometimes also called the Sims-Gewirtz graph (Brouwer), is an integral graph on 56 nodes and 280 edges that is also a regular graph of order 10. It is ...
The M_(22) graph, also known as the 77-graph, is a strongly regular graph on 77 nodes related to the Mathieu group M_(22) and to the Witt design. It is illustrated above in ...
Intuitively, a model of d-dimensional percolation theory is said to be a Bernoulli model if the open/closed status of an area is completely random. In particular, it makes ...
Multiple edges are two or more edges connecting the same two vertices within a multigraph. Multiple edges of degree d_(ij) between vertex i and vertex j correspond to an ...
A polyhedral graph corresponding to the skeleton of a Platonic solid. The five platonic graphs, the tetrahedral graph, cubical graph, octahedral graph, dodecahedral graph, ...
A set (usually of letters) from which a subset is drawn. A sequence of letters is called a word, and a set of words is called a code.
