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Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be totally ordered sets. Let C=A×B be the Cartesian product and define order as follows. For any a_1,a_2 in A and b_1,b_2 in B, 1. If a_1<a_2, then ...
A lattice L is said to be oriented if there exists a rule which assigns a specified direction to any edge connecting arbitrary lattice points x_i,x_j in L. In that way, an ...
An urelement contains no elements, belongs to some set, and is not identical with the empty set (Moore 1982, p. 3; Rubin 1967, p. 23). "Ur" is a German prefix which is ...
An important and fundamental axiom in set theory sometimes called Zermelo's axiom of choice. It was formulated by Zermelo in 1904 and states that, given any set of mutually ...
A bicubic graph is a bipartite cubic graph. Tutte (1971) conjectured that all 3-connected bicubic graphs are Hamiltonian (the Tutte conjecture), but a number of bicubic ...
A fan graph F_(m,n) is defined as the graph join K^__m+P_n, where K^__m is the empty graph on m nodes and P_n is the path graph on n nodes. The case m=1 corresponds to the ...
The Heawood graph is a cubic graph on 14 vertices and 21 edges which is the unique (3,6)-cage graph. It is also a Moore graph. It has graph diameter 3, graph radius 3, and ...
The 16-cell beta_4 is the finite regular four-dimensional cross polytope with Schläfli symbol {3,3,4}. It is also known as the hyperoctahedron (Buekenhout and Parker 1998) or ...
There are several different definitions of the barbell graph. Most commonly and in this work, the n-barbell graph is the simple graph obtained by connecting two copies of a ...
The McGee graph is a cubic symmetric graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges which is the unique 7-cage graph. It can be constructed as the union of the two leftmost subgraphs ...
