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12741 - 12750 of 13134 for catastrophe theorySearch Results
A formula relating the number of polyhedron vertices V, faces F, and polyhedron edges E of a simply connected (i.e., genus 0) polyhedron (or polygon). It was discovered ...
A generalization of the polyominoes using a collection of equal-sized equilateral triangles (instead of squares) arranged with coincident sides. Polyiamonds are sometimes ...
A polyomino tiling is a tiling of the plane by specified types of polyominoes. Tiling by polyominoes has been investigated since at least the late 1950s, particularly by S. ...
The word polytope is used to mean a number of related, but slightly different mathematical objects. A convex polytope may be defined as the convex hull of a finite set of ...
A power series in a variable z is an infinite sum of the form sum_(i=0)^inftya_iz^i, where a_i are integers, real numbers, complex numbers, or any other quantities of a given ...
The pseudosphere is the constant negative-Gaussian curvature surface of revolution generated by a tractrix about its asymptote. It is sometimes also called the tractroid, ...
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex (known as the "apex"). A right ...
The quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) of a finite simple connected graph G on n vertices is defined as the maximum of the product vDv over all real n-vectors v satisfying ...
A second-order algebraic surface given by the general equation (1) Quadratic surfaces are also called quadrics, and there are 17 standard-form types. A quadratic surface ...
The word quadrature has (at least) three incompatible meanings. Integration by quadrature either means solving an integral analytically (i.e., symbolically in terms of known ...
