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The Lorenz curve is used in economics and ecology to describe inequality in wealth or size. The Lorenz curve is a function of the cumulative proportion of ordered individuals ...
The Lotka-Volterra equations describe an ecological predator-prey (or parasite-host) model which assumes that, for a set of fixed positive constants A (the growth rate of ...
The Lucas central triangle (a term coined here for the first time) is the triangle DeltaL_AL_BL_C formed by the centers of the Lucas circles of a given reference triangle ...
Consider a reference triangle DeltaABC and externally inscribe a square on the side BC. Now join the new vertices S_(AB) and S_(AC) of this square with the vertex A, marking ...
A lune is a plane figure bounded by two circular arcs of unequal radii, i.e., a crescent. (By contrast, a plane figure bounded by two circular arcs of equal radius is known ...
The MacBeath inconic of a triangle is the inconic with parameters x:y:z=a^2cosA:b^2cosB:c^2cosC. (1) Its foci are the circumcenter O and the orthocenter H, giving the center ...
A Maclaurin series is a Taylor series expansion of a function about 0, (1) Maclaurin series are named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin. The Maclaurin series ...
The Maclaurin trisectrix is a curve first studied by Colin Maclaurin in 1742. It was studied to provide a solution to one of the geometric problems of antiquity, in ...
A projection which maps a sphere (or spheroid) onto a plane. Map projections are generally classified into groups according to common properties (cylindrical vs. conical, ...
In 1803, Malfatti posed the problem of determining the three circular columns of marble of possibly different sizes which, when carved out of a right triangular prism, would ...
