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The shortest path-spanning tree from a graph vertex of a graph.
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding a graph geodesic, i.e., the shortest path between two graph vertices in a graph. It functions by constructing a shortest-path ...
A similarity transformation which transforms each line to a parallel line whose length is a fixed multiple of the length of the original line. The simplest dilation is ...
sum_(1<=k<=n)(n; k)((-1)^(k-1))/(k^m)=sum_(1<=i_1<=i_2<=...<=i_m<=n)1/(i_1i_2...i_m), (1) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient (Dilcher 1995, Flajolet and Sedgewick 1995, ...
Informally, a situation in which a decision must be made from several alternatives, none of which is obviously the optimal one. In formal logic, a dilemma is a specific type ...
The dilogarithm Li_2(z) is a special case of the polylogarithm Li_n(z) for n=2. Note that the notation Li_2(x) is unfortunately similar to that for the logarithmic integral ...
The partial order width of a set P is equal to the minimum number of chains needed to cover P. Equivalently, if a set P of ab+1 elements is partially ordered, then P contains ...
The dimension of an object is a topological measure of the size of its covering properties. Roughly speaking, it is the number of coordinates needed to specify a point on the ...
One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. Let X be a single point space. H_n(X)=0 unless n=0, in which case H_0(X)=G where G are some groups. The H_0 are called the coefficients ...
R^n is homeomorphic to R^m iff n=m. This theorem was first proved by Brouwer.
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