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A definite integral is an integral int_a^bf(x)dx (1) with upper and lower limits. If x is restricted to lie on the real line, the definite integral is known as a Riemann ...
A definition assigns properties to some sort of mathematical object. For example, Euclid's Elements starts with a number of definitions, such as "a line is a breadthless ...
A subspace A of X is called a deformation retract of X if there is a homotopy F:X×I->X (called a retract) such that for all x in X and a in A, 1. F(x,0)=x, 2. F(x,1) in A, ...
The property of being degenerate.
A limiting case in which a class of object changes its nature so as to belong to another, usually simpler, class. For example, the point is a degenerate case of the circle as ...
Degen's eight-square identity is the incredible polynomial identity (1) found around 1818 by the Danish mathematician Ferdinand Degen (1766-1825). It was subsequently ...
A (Delta,D)-graph is a graph with maximum vertex degree Delta and diameter at most D. The order of a graph with degree Delta of diameter D is bounded by ...
The word "degree" has many meanings in mathematics. The most common meaning is the unit of angle measure defined such that an entire rotation is 360 degrees. This unit harks ...
A diagonal matrix D=diag(d_1,...,d_n) sometimes also called the valency matrix corresponding to a graph that has the vertex degree of d_i in the ith position (Skiena 1990, p. ...
Given an undirected graph, a degree sequence is a monotonic nonincreasing sequence of the vertex degrees (valencies) of its graph vertices. The number of degree sequences for ...
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