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A generalized eigenvector for an n×n matrix A is a vector v for which (A-lambdaI)^kv=0 for some positive integer k in Z^+. Here, I denotes the n×n identity matrix. The ...
A graceful permutation sigma on n letters is a permutation such that {|sigma(i)-sigma(i+1)|:i=1,2,...,n-1}={1,2,...,n-1}. For example, there are four graceful permutations on ...
A minimal embedded surface discovered in 1992 consisting of a helicoid with a hole and handle (Science News 1992). It has the same topology as a punctured sphere with a ...
The sphere with respect to which inverse points are computed (i.e., with respect to which geometrical inversion is performed). For example, the cyclides are inversions in a ...
A pair of linear operators L and A associated with a given partial differential equation which can be used to solve the equation. However, it turns out to be very difficult ...
The value of the 2^0 bit in a binary number. For the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., the least significant bits are therefore the alternating sequence 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, ...
Mann's theorem is a theorem widely circulated as the "alpha-beta conjecture" that was subsequently proven by Mann (1942). It states that if A and B are sets of integers each ...
Maximum likelihood, also called the maximum likelihood method, is the procedure of finding the value of one or more parameters for a given statistic which makes the known ...
The Mills ratio is defined as m(x) = 1/(h(x)) (1) = (S(x))/(P(x)) (2) = (1-D(x))/(P(x)), (3) where h(x) is the hazard function, S(x) is the survival function, P(x) is the ...
Samuel Pepys wrote Isaac Newton a long letter asking him to determine the probabilities for a set of dice rolls related to a wager he planned to make. Pepys asked which was ...
