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A technical mathematical object which bears the same resemblance to binary relations as categories do to functions and sets.
Inference of the truth of an unknown result obtained by noting its similarity to a result already known to be true. In the hands of a skilled mathematician, analogy can be a ...
Three elements x, y and z of a set S are said to be associative under a binary operation * if they satisfy x*(y*z)=(x*y)*z. (1) Real numbers are associative under addition ...
An asymptotic direction at a point p of a regular surface M in R^3 is a direction in which the normal curvature of M vanishes. 1. There are no asymptotic directions at an ...
Integers (lambda,mu) for a and b that satisfy Bézout's identity lambdaa+mub=GCD(a,b) are called Bézout numbers. For integers a_1, ..., a_n, the Bézout numbers are a set of ...
Involving two variables, as opposed to many (multivariate), or one (univariate).
A Brunnian link is a set of n linked loops such that each proper sublink is trivial, so that the removal of any component leaves a set of trivial unlinked unknots. The ...
An operator Gamma=sum_(i=1)^me_i^Ru^(iR) on a representation R of a Lie algebra.
The branch of mathematics which formalizes a number of algebraic properties of collections of transformations between mathematical objects (such as binary relations, groups, ...
A sequence of circles which closes (such as a Steiner chain or the circles inscribed in the arbelos) is called a chain.