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The sum of the values of an integral of the "first" or "second" sort int_(x_0,y_0)^(x_1,y_1)(Pdx)/Q+...+int_(x_0,y_0)^(x_N,y_N)(Pdx)/Q=F(z) and ...
A knot K is an n-embeddable knot if it can be placed on a genus n standard embedded surface without crossings, but K cannot be placed on any standardly embedded surface of ...
The great sphere on the surface of a hypersphere is the three-dimensional analog of the great circle on the surface of a sphere. Let 2h be the number of reflecting spheres, ...
The number of "arrangements" in an ordering of n items is given by either a combination (order is ignored) or a permutation (order is significant). An ordering (or order) is ...
A pullback is a general categorical operation appearing in a number of mathematical contexts, sometimes going under a different name. If T:V->W is a linear transformation ...
Let the true value of a quantity be x and the measured or inferred value x_0. Then the relative error is defined by deltax=(Deltax)/x=(x_0-x)/x=(x_0)/x-1, where Deltax is the ...
A tree of links obtained by repeatedly choosing a crossing, applying the skein relationship to obtain two simpler links, and repeating the process. The tree depth of a ...
An exchange of two elements of an ordered list with all others staying the same. A transposition is therefore a permutation of two elements. For example, the swapping of 2 ...
The height of a tree g is defined as the vertex height of its root vertex, where the vertex height of a vertex v in a tree g is the number of edges on the longest downward ...
An ultrametric is a metric which satisfies the following strengthened version of the triangle inequality, d(x,z)<=max(d(x,y),d(y,z)) for all x,y,z. At least two of d(x,y), ...
