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A difference-differential equation is a two-variable equation consisting of a coupled ordinary differential equation and recurrence equation. In older literature, the term ...
The difference of two numbers n_1 and n_2 is n_1-n_2, where the minus sign denotes subtraction.
Delta_hf(x)=(f(x+h)-f(x))/h=(Deltaf)/h. It gives the slope of the secant line passing through f(x) and f(x+h). In the limit h->0, the difference quotient becomes the partial ...
Let G be a group of group order h and D be a set of k elements of G. If the set of differences d_i-d_j contains every nonzero element of G exactly lambda times, then D is a ...
Let G be group of group order h and D be a set of k elements of G. If the set of differences d_i-d_j contains every nonzero element of G exactly lambda times, then D is a ...
A table made by subtracting adjacent entries in a sequence, then repeating the process with those numbers.
If x_1/n_1 and x_2/n_2 are the observed proportions from standard normally distributed samples with proportion of success theta, then the probability that ...
Two quantities are said to be different (or "unequal") if they are not equal. The term "different" also has a technical usage related to modules. Let a module M in an ...
A real function is said to be differentiable at a point if its derivative exists at that point. The notion of differentiability can also be extended to complex functions ...
A differential-algebraic equation (DAE) is a type of differential equation in which the derivatives are not (in general) expressed explicitly, and typically derivatives of ...
