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A spherical shell is a generalization of an annulus to three dimensions. A spherical shell is therefore the region between two concentric spheres of differing radii. The ...
In logic, a statement which cannot be broken down into smaller statements, also simply called an "atom."
A sorting method proposed by Shell (1959) in which records being sorted can take long jumps instead of being restricted to short steps.
A shell bounded by two similar ellipsoids having a constant ratio of axes. Given a chord passing through a homeoid, the distance between inner and outer intersections is ...
Consider a clause (disjunction of literals) obtained from those of a first-order logic formula Phi in Skolemized form forall x_1... forall x_nS. Then an atomic statement ...
A curve whose name means "shell form." Let C be a curve and O a fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line from O to C meeting it at Q, where P^'Q=QP=k, with k a given ...
The atom-spiral, also known as the atomic spiral, is the curve with polar equation r=theta/(theta-a) for a real parameter a (van Maldeghem 2002). When theta is allows to vary ...
An AB percolation is a discrete percolation model in which the underlying point lattice graph L has the properties that each of its graph vertices is occupied by an atom ...
The ABC (atom-bond connectivity) energy of a graph is defined as the graph energy of its ABC matrix, i.e., the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its ABC matrix.
The ABC (atom-bond connectivity) index of a graph is defined as half the sum of the matrix elements of its ABC matrix. It was introduced by Estrada et al. (2017) to model the ...
