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The natural norm induced by the L2-norm. Let A^(H) be the conjugate transpose of the square matrix A, so that (a_(ij))^(H)=(a^__(ji)), then the spectral norm is defined as ...
A spheric section is the curve formed by the intersection of a plane with a sphere. Excluding the degenerate cases of the plane tangent to the sphere or the plane not ...
The spherical Hankel function of the second kind h_n^((1))(z) is defined by h_n^((2))(z) = sqrt(pi/(2x))H_(n+1/2)^((2))(z) (1) = j_n(z)-in_n(z), (2) where H_n^((2))(z) is the ...
A sliver of the surface of a sphere of radius r cut out by two planes through the azimuthal axis with dihedral angle theta. The surface area of the lune is S=2r^2theta, which ...
The Lie derivative of a spinor psi is defined by L_Xpsi(x)=lim_(t->0)(psi^~_t(x)-psi(x))/t, where psi^~_t is the image of psi by a one-parameter group of isometries with X ...
Let G be a permutation group on a set Omega and x be an element of Omega. Then G_x={g in G:g(x)=x} (1) is called the stabilizer of x and consists of all the permutations of G ...
The Stammler hyperbola of a triangle is the Feuerbach hyperbola of its tangential triangle, and its center is the focus of the Kiepert parabola, which is Kimberling center ...
A string of length n on an alphabet l of m characters is an arrangement of n not necessarily distinct symbols from l. There are m^n such distinct strings. For example, the ...
In nonstandard analysis, the limitation to first-order analysis can be avoided by using a construction known as a superstructure. Superstructures are constructed in the ...
Let K be a T2-topological space and let F be the space of all bounded complex-valued continuous functions defined on K. The supremum norm is the norm defined on F by ...
