Search Results for "astronomical image"
451 - 460 of 1090 for astronomical imageSearch Results

The partial differential equation ((partial^2)/(partialt^2)-(partial^2)/(partialx^2))((u_(xy))/u)+2(u^2)_(xt)=0.
The de Grey-Haugstrup graphs are two 6-chromatic graphs on 47 and 48 vertices that are unit-distance in 3 dimensions (de Grey and Haugstrup 2020).
An algebraic variety is a generalization to n dimensions of algebraic curves. More technically, an algebraic variety is a reduced scheme of finite type over a field K. An ...
The sequence a(n) given by the exponents of the highest power of 2 dividing n, i.e., the number of trailing 0s in the binary representation of n. For n=1, 2, ..., the first ...
A theorem which effectively describes how lengths, areas, volumes, and generalized n-dimensional volumes (contents) are distorted by differentiable functions. In particular, ...
In physics, the word entropy has important physical implications as the amount of "disorder" of a system. In mathematics, a more abstract definition is used. The (Shannon) ...
The Gauss map is a function N from an oriented surface M in Euclidean space R^3 to the unit sphere in R^3. It associates to every point on the surface its oriented unit ...
If f is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], and c is any number between f(a) and f(b) inclusive, then there is at least one number x in the closed interval such that ...
Points, also called polar reciprocals, which are transformed into each other through inversion about a given inversion circle C (or inversion sphere). The points P and P^' ...
Modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of congruences, sometimes known informally as "clock arithmetic." In modular arithmetic, numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a given ...