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An even number of the form 4n+2 (i.e., an integer which is divisible by 2 but not by 4). The first few for n=0, 1, 2, ... are 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, ... (OEIS A016825)
A smooth map f:S^1->R^3 whose image has singularities. In particular, in the theory of Vassiliev's knot invariants, singular knots with a finite number of ordinary double ...
The dual polyhedron of the small dodecicosahedron U_(50) and Wenninger dual W_(90).
A roll of two 1s (the lowest roll possible) on a pair of six-sided dice. The probability of rolling snake eyes is 1/36, or 2.777...%.
F(x) = -Li_2(-x) (1) = int_0^x(ln(1+t))/tdt, (2) where Li_2(x) is the dilogarithm.
Johnson solid J_(86).
The placement of n points on a sphere so as to minimize the maximum distance of any point on the sphere from the closest one of the n points.
The image on the Riemann sphere of any circle under a complex rational mapping with numerator and denominator having degrees no more than n has length no longer than 2npi.
A function f(x) has a spinode (also called a horizontal cusp) at a point x_0 if f(x) is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=infty from one side while ...
A fixed point for which the eigenvalues are complex conjugates.
