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The symbol defined by (v,n) = (2^(-2n){(4v^2-1)(4v^2-3^2)...[4v^2-(2n-1)^2]})/(n!) (1) = ((-1)^ncos(piv)Gamma(1/2+n-v)Gamma(1/2+n+v))/(pin!), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
Let omega(n) be the number of distinct prime factors of n. If Psi(x) tends steadily to infinity with x, then lnlnx-Psi(x)sqrt(lnlnx)<omega(n)<lnlnx+Psi(x)sqrt(lnlnx) for ...
Any vector field v satisfying [del ·v]_infty = 0 (1) [del xv]_infty = 0 (2) may be written as the sum of an irrotational part and a solenoidal part, v=-del phi+del xA, (3) ...
Half of a sphere cut by a plane passing through its center. A hemisphere of radius r can be given by the usual spherical coordinates x = rcosthetasinphi (1) y = ...
The hemisphere function is defined as H(x,y)={sqrt(a-x^2-y^2) for sqrt(x^2+y^2)<=a; 0 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)>a. (1) Watson (1966) defines a hemispherical function as a function S ...
A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. It is also sometimes called a septagon, though this usage mixes a Latin prefix sept- (derived from septua-, meaning "seven") with the ...
A figurate number which is equal to the cubic number n^3. The first few are 1, 8, 27, 64, ... (OEIS A000578).
The hexanacci constant is the limiting ratio of adjacent hexanacci numbers. It is the algebraic number P = (x^6-x^5-x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_2 (1) = 1.98358284342... (2) (OEIS ...
Let Gamma be an algebraic curve in a projective space of dimension n, and let p be the prime ideal defining Gamma, and let chi(p,m) be the number of linearly independent ...
A general concept in category theory involving the globalization of topological or differential structures. The term derives from the Greek omicronlambdaomicronsigma (holos) ...
