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The permanent of an n×n integer matrix with all entries either 0 or 1 is 0 iff the matrix contains an r×s submatrix of 0s with r+s=n+1. This result follows from the ...
A system of linear differential equations (dy)/(dz)=A(z)y, (1) with A(z) an analytic n×n matrix, for which the matrix A(z) is analytic in C^_\{a_1,...,a_N} and has a pole of ...
A function element is an ordered pair (f,U) where U is a disk D(Z_0,r) and f is an analytic function defined on U. If W is an open set, then a function element in W is a pair ...
Given two univariate polynomials of the same order whose first p coefficients (but not the first p-1) are 0 where the coefficients of the second approach the corresponding ...
The curvature and torsion functions along a space curve determine it up to an orientation-preserving isometry.
Consider two closed oriented space curves f_1:C_1->R^3 and f_2:C_2->R^3, where C_1 and C_2 are distinct circles, f_1 and f_2 are differentiable C^1 functions, and f_1(C_1) ...
The standard Gauss measure of a finite dimensional real Hilbert space H with norm ||·||_H has the Borel measure mu_H(dh)=(sqrt(2pi))^(-dim(H))exp(1/2||h||_H^2)lambda_H(dh), ...
A point-to-line and line-to-point transformation which transforms points A into lines a^' and lines b into points B^' such that a^' passes through B^' iff A^' lies on b.
If the abstract simplicial complex S is isomorphic with the vertex scheme of the simplicial complex K, then K is said to be a geometric realization of S, and is uniquely ...
The interesting function defined by the definite integral G(x)=int_0^xsin(tsint)dt, illustrated above (Glasser 1990). The integral cannot be done in closed form, but has a ...
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