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Let Xi be the xi-function defined by Xi(iz)=1/2(z^2-1/4)pi^(-z/2-1/4)Gamma(1/2z+1/4)zeta(z+1/2). (1) Xi(z/2)/8 can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the signal ...
One form of van der Waerden's theorem states that for all positive integers k and r, there exists a constant n(r,k) such that if n_0>=n(r,k) and {1,2,...,n_0} subset C_1 ...
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi = C/d (1) = C/(2r) (2) pi has decimal expansion ...
Fermat's last theorem is a theorem first proposed by Fermat in the form of a note scribbled in the margin of his copy of the ancient Greek text Arithmetica by Diophantus. The ...
Apéry's constant is defined by zeta(3)=1.2020569..., (1) (OEIS A002117) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function. Apéry (1979) proved that zeta(3) is irrational, although ...
A circle packing is an arrangement of circles inside a given boundary such that no two overlap and some (or all) of them are mutually tangent. The generalization to spheres ...
As a consequence of Matiyasevich's refutation of Hilbert's 10th problem, it can be proved that there does not exist a general algorithm for solving a general quartic ...
An arithmetic progression of primes is a set of primes of the form p_1+kd for fixed p_1 and d and consecutive k, i.e., {p_1,p_1+d,p_1+2d,...}. For example, 199, 409, 619, ...
The base 2 method of counting in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used. In this base, the number 1011 equals 1·2^0+1·2^1+0·2^2+1·2^3=11. This base is used in computers, ...
The Fourier transform is a generalization of the complex Fourier series in the limit as L->infty. Replace the discrete A_n with the continuous F(k)dk while letting n/L->k. ...