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Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice isomorphism is a one-to-one and onto lattice homomorphism.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) be a lattice, and let f,g:L->L. Then the pair (f,g) is a polarity of L if and only if f is a decreasing join-endomorphism and g is an increasing ...
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) be a lattice, and let tau subset= L^2. Then tau is a tolerance if and only if it is a reflexive and symmetric sublattice of L^2. Tolerances of lattices, ...
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If h is one-to-one and is a meet-homomorphism, then h is a meet-embedding.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A meet-endomorphism of L is a meet-homomorphism from L to L.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. Then the mapping h is a meet-homomorphism if h(x ^ y)=h(x) ^ h(y). It is also said that "h preserves meets."
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If h is one-to-one and onto, then it is a meet-isomorphism provided that it preserves meets.
The regular dodecahedron, often simply called "the" dodecahedron, is the Platonic solid composed of 20 polyhedron vertices, 30 polyhedron edges, and 12 pentagonal faces, ...
Let Gamma(z) be the gamma function and n!! denote a double factorial, then [(Gamma(m+1/2))/(Gamma(m))]^2[1/m+(1/2)^21/(m+1)+((1·3)/(2·4))^21/(m+2)+...]_()_(n) ...
Based on a problem in particle physics, Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) is the multinomial ...